Friday, September 21, 2012

Rachel's Challenge Comes to MSW!

You're Invited to a Special Community Event at Gahanna MS West!
Being a teenager today can be tough.  Certainly, the teenage years can still be a wonderful time in a young person's life - as they should be.  Still, with all of the distractions and media teens are exposed to these days, the waters of adolescence can be turbulent and difficult to navigate alone.  Often, teens learn through making mistakes, especially in the area of relationships with their peers.  Some teens really struggle through these years.  Despite these challenges, there are many stories of teens doing wonderful things each and every day.  Some inspire their peers to maintain positive attitudes and accept others for who they are - spreading a message of tolerance and friendship.  Rachel Scott was such a person.
Rachel was the first person killed at the Columbine High School tragedy in 1999.  After her death, her parents and siblings found many writings she had done, outlining her core values and beliefs about the power of simple acts of kindness.  From these messages and anecdotes about her work with other young people, Rachel's Challenge was born.  Rachel's Challenge is an organization dedicated to bringing positive growth to schools and communities across America by sharing Rachel's five challenges with students, parents, and community leaders in an effort to begin a chain reaction of kindness.
Gahanna Middle School West is proud to host a Rachel's Challenge Community Event at the MSW Auditorium on October 2nd from 7:30-8:30pm.  You are cordially invited to attend!  Visit for more information.  We are fortunate to live in an amazing community with outstanding schools.  Together, let's pledge to keep working to improve our community and to ensure that all children see the amazing potential that lies within them.

MSW Drama Club - Calling all aspiring actors!
Drama Club has started and is ready for a great year! Any MSW student interested in joining Drama Club may still join. There is a bulletin board outside of Rm. 129 with permission slips. All students must have a permission slip signed by a parent/guardian and returned in order to join. We will meet every Monday from 3:30-4:30 in the auditorium. Parents/guardians are responsible for ensuring their child has a ride home. This is a club for any student interested in set design, acting, or any other aspect of theater. In early spring we will have a showcase to celebrate the talents of the students involved. The whole community will be invited and this date is TBA. Miss Shotts (6th grade teacher) and Mrs. Kelley (8th grade teacher) are the supervisors for Drama Club. They can be reached with any questions or comments by email or phone. Miss Shotts’ email is and Mrs. Kelley is This is our 3rd year having a Drama Club at MSW.  The club was requested by students, and we are very excited for the upcoming year!
Gahanna Middle School West PTO invites you to join Facebook
Visit and search "Gahanna Middle School West PTO"
Thanks to Anita Bosaw, PTO Vice President, for designing and maintaining this important tool, the purpose of which is to share information about our school community and all of the great things happening at West.  Thanks Anita!

What's Up at West?

9/21 - Progress Reports come home today
9/25 & 9/27 - 6th grade band fitting at GLHS (4-8pm)
9/28 - Spirit Rally (2:45-3:30pm)
9/28 - 6th Grade Fun Night (4-6pm)  Buy tickets for $3 during lunch!