All students at MSW have time each day to read during their PRIDE period. Why is this such an important part of their academic growth? There are several reasons. The most important of these is that when students are able to choose what they read and are given time to focus on that reading, they grow at an astonishing rate. As Bernice Cullinan of New York University writes in Independent Reading and School Achievement:
Age level is a primary factor that shapes why people read, what they read, how much they read, and what they do with what they read. Furthermore when students started to read affects their subsequent school experiences and reading competence. Developmental influences are strong.
Unfortunately, many studies suggest that it is during the middle school years that students begin to read less on their own, often enticed by other emerging interests and pursuits common for their age and development. For this reason, it is essential that students are afforded the time each day to choose rigorous, high-interest, engaging text that is appropriately complex for them.
“There’s no better way to inform and expand your mind on a regular basis than to get into the habit of reading good literature . . . You can get into the best minds that are now or that have ever been in the world.” – Stephen CoveyPlease take the time to discuss with your children what they are currently reading and encourage them to continue to read for extended periods at home. READING is a habit of success. Let' make is a habit for all.
What's Up at West?
- October 22nd - Red Ribbon Week Begins (anti drug and alcohol awareness)
- October 26th - Red Cross Blood Drive (noon - 6pm in the auditorium)
- October 26th - End of the First Grading Period