Friday, September 28, 2012

Building a Comprehensive Anti-Bullying Awareness Program

The Strongest Anti-Bullying Programs Use Multiple Approaches to Educate Students, Parents, and Teachers 

Bullying is an issue that concerns all students, parents, and educators.  Research shows us that bullying behaviors peak during the middle school years.  Why is this?  There are many reasons why students encounter bullying-type behaviors during the middle school years.  Because of the rapid physical, emotional, and social growth that children make between the ages of 10-14, it's no wonder that they struggle at times to find appropriate ways to express feelings of disappointment and anger.  Often, middle school students learn about appropriate social behavior by making mistakes - sometimes they even bully others.

So how does a school community effectively combat these types of behaviors and teach students more positive ways to handle their emotions?  The reality is that it is not easy, but it can absolutely be done.  Successful anti-bullying programs require the collaboration of students, parents, educators, and a host of other specialists.  At Middle School West we are fortunate to have a staff that is committed to putting an end to bullying - a staff that is not willing to succumb to the belief that bullying is just a part of growing up.  We believe it doesn't have to be.

Assistant Principal, Sherri Zynda, speaks with MSW students about the negative effects of bullying.

The lead designer of our anti-bullying program is Assistant Principal, Sherri Zynda.  Over the past five years, Mrs. Zynda has worked with her team to build an anti-bullying program that includes several key components:

Educate, Educate, Educate - Early in the school year, assemblies are held with students to teach them about the negative effects of bullying.  Students learn about the three roles that people can play in any given bullying scenario:  the bully, the bullied, or the bystander(s).  They hear about characteristics of bullies, avoidance tactics and avenues for assistance for the bullied, and the power of bystanders to be positive agents for change in any school.  It's important to note that teachers and parents learn a lot throughout this process by talking with students about their thoughts and feelings.

Include Third Party Experts - Students at Middle School West have an opportunity to hear from a variety of experts on bullying, including experts who speak about cyber-bullying, mental health experts and counselors who speak about how bullying affects one's self-image, police officers who educate about the legal ramifications of bullying, and educators & students who speak about bullying and special populations of students.

Thinking & Reflection - Students should be challenged to think about bullying scenarios.  They should be asked to reflect (even if only to themselves) about their own experiences with bullying.  Have they ever been bullied?  If so, how did it feel?  Have they every bullied someone?  Did they even know they were bullying?  Have they ever been a bystander to bullying?  If so, did they do anything to help out?  Students at MSW have a chance to think about these types of questions with writing prompts.  In addition, they engage in a number of reflective exercises such as the Power Shuffle, where students step across a line in silence to indicate that they have experienced a specific bullying scenario.  Through such activities, students see that they are not alone - even their teachers have gone through some similar experiences.  Finally, students have the opportunity to view films with bullying themes and reflect on how they would handle similar situations.

Teach and Practice Empathy - Showing empathy for another is the antithesis of bullying.  Each year at MSW, students engage in service-learning projects aimed at teaching empathy for others.  This year, with the help of some funding from the generous MSW PTO, students made fleece blankets to donate to Gahanna Residents In Need (GRIN).  When middle school students have an opportunity to help others they experience how good deeds have a positive effect on each of us, whereas negative behaviors hurt our own self-esteem.  Throughout the year, this message of service to others is promoted in class and in other clubs and activities.

We thank all of the members of the MSW school community for their efforts to help ensure that each child can feel comfortable being who he/she is - that each can enjoy coming to school to build friendships and experience academic progress!

Thanks for reading,

MSW student, Jacob Barno, and teacher, Heather Turner, pose for a picture after
their presentation about the negative effects of bullying.

Superintendent, Francis Scruci, speaks with MSW
students about how to fill their buckets with great
life experiences and how to deny bullies the chance
to take away from those positive experiences.

What's Up at West?

10/1/12 - Fall Fundraiser Orders Due
             - 6th grade Band Fitting at GLHS (4pm-8pm)
             - Market Day Pickup (5-6pm in the cafeteria)

10/2/12 - Rachel's Challenge Community Event (7:30 pm in MSW Auditorium)

10/4/12 - GMSW PTO Meeting (7pm in MSW library)

10/9 & 10/18/12 - Parent/Teacher Conferences (Call 478-5570 to set up a conference.)

10/12/12 - No School


Friday, September 21, 2012

Rachel's Challenge Comes to MSW!

You're Invited to a Special Community Event at Gahanna MS West!
Being a teenager today can be tough.  Certainly, the teenage years can still be a wonderful time in a young person's life - as they should be.  Still, with all of the distractions and media teens are exposed to these days, the waters of adolescence can be turbulent and difficult to navigate alone.  Often, teens learn through making mistakes, especially in the area of relationships with their peers.  Some teens really struggle through these years.  Despite these challenges, there are many stories of teens doing wonderful things each and every day.  Some inspire their peers to maintain positive attitudes and accept others for who they are - spreading a message of tolerance and friendship.  Rachel Scott was such a person.
Rachel was the first person killed at the Columbine High School tragedy in 1999.  After her death, her parents and siblings found many writings she had done, outlining her core values and beliefs about the power of simple acts of kindness.  From these messages and anecdotes about her work with other young people, Rachel's Challenge was born.  Rachel's Challenge is an organization dedicated to bringing positive growth to schools and communities across America by sharing Rachel's five challenges with students, parents, and community leaders in an effort to begin a chain reaction of kindness.
Gahanna Middle School West is proud to host a Rachel's Challenge Community Event at the MSW Auditorium on October 2nd from 7:30-8:30pm.  You are cordially invited to attend!  Visit for more information.  We are fortunate to live in an amazing community with outstanding schools.  Together, let's pledge to keep working to improve our community and to ensure that all children see the amazing potential that lies within them.

MSW Drama Club - Calling all aspiring actors!
Drama Club has started and is ready for a great year! Any MSW student interested in joining Drama Club may still join. There is a bulletin board outside of Rm. 129 with permission slips. All students must have a permission slip signed by a parent/guardian and returned in order to join. We will meet every Monday from 3:30-4:30 in the auditorium. Parents/guardians are responsible for ensuring their child has a ride home. This is a club for any student interested in set design, acting, or any other aspect of theater. In early spring we will have a showcase to celebrate the talents of the students involved. The whole community will be invited and this date is TBA. Miss Shotts (6th grade teacher) and Mrs. Kelley (8th grade teacher) are the supervisors for Drama Club. They can be reached with any questions or comments by email or phone. Miss Shotts’ email is and Mrs. Kelley is This is our 3rd year having a Drama Club at MSW.  The club was requested by students, and we are very excited for the upcoming year!
Gahanna Middle School West PTO invites you to join Facebook
Visit and search "Gahanna Middle School West PTO"
Thanks to Anita Bosaw, PTO Vice President, for designing and maintaining this important tool, the purpose of which is to share information about our school community and all of the great things happening at West.  Thanks Anita!

What's Up at West?

9/21 - Progress Reports come home today
9/25 & 9/27 - 6th grade band fitting at GLHS (4-8pm)
9/28 - Spirit Rally (2:45-3:30pm)
9/28 - 6th Grade Fun Night (4-6pm)  Buy tickets for $3 during lunch!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Former GMSW Student Addresses School Board

Leaders Come From MSW!
Former GMSW student and current GLHS Student Council President, Brooke Motsinger, addresses the Gahanna-Jefferson School Board about her organization's goals for the 2012-2013 school year.  Brooke is an example to all of our students of the power of hard work and goal setting. 

GMSW PTO Announces the Fall Fundraiser and Student Incentives

We are beginning our Fall Fundraiser here at GMSW starting September 18th, and we look forward to your support.  Once again this year we are teaming up with Market Day to offer you the Life:Style brochure sale.  There is a wide variety of items offered including high quality gift wraps, magazines, scrumptious candies and many items for use around the home.   Now is a great time to start your holiday shopping!  Ask your child for the seller packet!
 Our goal is to raise $10,000 for improvements in the Girls and Boys Gym Locker Rooms and elsewhere around the school.

All orders and money are due by: Monday, October 1st. (Please make checks payable to GMSW-PTO)

Order Pick-up will be: Monday, October 29th from 6pm-8pm in the cafeteria.

Online shopping makes it even easier to help!  Log onto to invite friends and family to shop and support our group.   Register your child as a seller, enter 5 valid e-mail addresses, and your child will get a free song or ringtone download.  Internet orders must be placed by Sunday, October 7th.

We have several exciting incentives for students this year!  

·         The homeroom class with highest dollar amount sold will win a donut party.  (1 class from each grade level)

·         For every 10 items sold your child will be entered into a drawing.  If his/her name is selected he/she will get to grab as much cash as possible in one minute from the Cash Grab Booth!! (1 student from each grade level)

*GRAND PRIZE* The student with the highest dollar amount sold will win a set of Beats Headphones!

Important Safety Reminder -
Remember: start with family, friends and co-workers.  Make sure students always sell with a parent or guardian.  Do not sell door-to-door to homes of people you don’t know. 
Thanks for reading, and have a great week!
What's Coming Up at West?
September 18th - Anti-Bullying Awareness Week events begin.
September 18th - Sixth Grade District Band Parent Meeting - 7:30pm at LHS auditorium
September 21st - MSW Student Progress Reports are issued.  Remind students to expect their best this week as teachers collect assignments so they can compute cumulative grades.


Friday, September 7, 2012

Help Your Child be a Champion at MSW!

The students at Middle School West are among the finest I have worked with.  They are eager to learn and have great enthusiasm as they pursue their goals and passions.  The beginning of the school year is a fun time to see this enthusiasm take hold!  As the year progresses, successful students prove to be the ones who can maintain this stamina and excitement for learning - even when learning becomes more difficult.  Middle school is a time when students are faced with more challenging curricula than they have encountered before.  For this reason, it is not uncommon for students to face their first real challenges with school in middle school.  So how can teachers and parents help students stay on track and grow as learners?

The first thing we can do is to constantly affirm our belief in their abilities and praise their work ethic.  The best thing parents can do for students is to praise their work ethic above their innate intelligence.  When students face their first experiences with challenging school work, those who have established powerful work habits are successful.  Those who have relied solely on their natural intelligence because things have typically come easy to them can find themselves in uncharted territory - unsure about how to face the challenge.  So when your child comes home with a great grade, celebrate it!  Remember, though, that comments such as "I'm so proud of how hard you have worked toward achieving your goal of getting good grades," are a far better way to encourage students to become self-directed, life-long learners than comments like "What a great grade!  You're so smart!"  In addition, let's be committed to coaching all of our children to see value in the act of learning as opposed to being hyper-focused on a grade.  When students do the former, the grades fall into place.

The fact is that all of our kids have CHAMPION qualities and the ability to be really great at something.  Middle School West students heard this message at our opening assembly this year.  They learned that all champions have some things in common:
  • They believe in themselves.
  • They don't listen to negative people.  Instead, they keep their eyes on the goal.
  • They work hard, even when they don't feel like it. 
  • They show up - They have great attendance.
  • When they are not performing well, they seek out assistance from coaches, teachers, parents, and trusted peers.
  • They never give up.  When they fall, like we all do at times, they get back up and start again.
Clearly, these are practices that are good for us to apply to our own lives and for students to keep in mind as they go through tough times.  Parents are the most important coaches that a student can have.  Take the time to talk with your children every night about school.  Ask probing questions about what they learned that day and see if they still have questions.  Your conversations about school are the best way to keep students on a track for success and motivated to learn.  If you have been discouraged by the typical "nothing" answer many kids give when asked about what they learned at school, the following link has some good tips on how to approach the topic with children.

Thanks for reading.  Have a great weekend!


What's Coming Up at West?

September 10 - Market Day Pickup (5-6pm in cafeteria)

September 13 - GJPS Board of Education Meeting (6:30pm at Clark Hall)

September 13 - 6th grade Orchestra Parent Meeting (7pm at LHS Auditorium)

September 14 - First GMSW Renaissance Celebration (2:15-3:30pm in GMSW Auditorium)