Friday, August 31, 2012

Former West Student Gives Back

Eagle Scout Completes Project

If you have been around Middle School West recently, you may have noticed that students now have much more seating in our courtyard.  The new picnic tables and benches are the result of the hard work and initiative of former West and GLHS student, Tyler Bishop.  Working toward earning his rank as an Eagle Scout, Tyler met with me to propose a school improvement project.  He said he wanted to give back to the school that had meant so much to him and to the young students attending West.  In the end, Tyler raised money and coordinated support to build two benches and four picnic tables for students to use as they relax in the courtyard during their recess period.  He also took the time to build a raised flower bed and to power wash a brick wall that was stained.  With the school year off and running, I'm happy to report that his efforts are greatly appreciated by our students, and his tables and benches are getting plenty of use from students and community members.  I thank Tyler for his selfless giving and impressive skills.  He exemplifies what service to others means, and we are proud to call him a West Lion!
Former Middle School West student, Tyler Bishop, sits at one of the picnic tables he built for the MSW courtyard.  Tyler raised funds and coordinated the work efforts of other Scouts to complete this project on his way to earning the prestigious Eagle Scout ranking.


Welcome to the JUNGLE!!

The JUNGLE is our new school store at GMSW.  The store is operated by GMSW students in Mrs. Turner & Miss Cotone's class.  Students may visit the store during their lunch periods by signing out in the cafeteria to obtain a Jungle Pass.  The Jungle sells a variety of basic school supplies including pencils, pens, binders, index cards, glue, pencil pouches, and more.  Prices range from 25 cents to 4 dollars, with most items costing one dollar or less.  Price lists are posted at the Jungle and around the school.  We invite you to visit the next time you stop by!

Tyler, Kenny, Jason, Robert, John, Camden, and Ryan assist Miss Cotone in posting product/price lists for the Jungle in the hallways at Gahanna Middle School West.

A Glimpse Ahead - What's Coming Up at West?
September 3rd - NO SCHOOL - Labor Day (Enjoy the holiday weekend!)
September 7th - Student Picture Re-take Day (In addition to re-takes, new students may have their pictures taken on this day as well as students who were unable to get pictures taken at schedule pickup nights.)
September 10th - Market Day Pickup in the cafeteria from 5-6pm
September 13th - Board of Education Meeting at 6:30pm at Clark Hall
September 14th - First Renaissance All-School Celebration 1:30pm




Friday, August 24, 2012

The Parent-School Connection: Transparency Matters

A Glimpse Ahead

Here is what's happening at MSW:

August 28th - 7th & 8th Grade Open House - 6:30pm in the auditorium

August 31st - 6th Grade Outdoor Adventure Day Camp at Hannah Park -                    (9:15am - 1:30pm)  Return to school at 2pm.

September 3rd - Labor Day - NO SCHOOL.

September 7th - Student Pictures/Re-takes

*  See MSW Athletic Link for sports schedules

The Parent-School Connection

One of the most important indicators of student success is parent involvement.  Students excel when parents get involved in what their children are learning, develop structured time at home for students to practice skills and study, and support teachers' classroom expectations.  I invite you to connect with your child's teachers at GMSW.  When parents partner with teachers student achievement soars, classroom behavior is excellent, and teacher and parent morale remains positive.  In an effort to improve our connection with our parents, MSW sent out a school climate survey to parents in the spring.  The following are the results of that survey.  Each statement is followed by the percentage of parents who responded that they "agreed" or "strongly agreed" with the statement.
  • I feel welcome at my child's school. (91%)
  • I know what is happening in my child's classroom (66%)
  • At my child's school, I am informed about my child's progress. (81.5%)
  • My child feels safe at school. (76%)
  • Teachers show care and concern for my child. (89%)
  • My child's academic needs are being met. (81.5%)
  • The social needs of my child are met at school. (76%)
  • At my child's school, students show respect for one another. (48%)
I thank you for offering your honest opinions about where we can improve our efforts to serve our parents and students in the best way possible.  As one can see, there are some areas where we can celebrate and recognize a job well done by our staff.  At the same time, we have some areas in which we must improve.  To assist you in knowing more about what is happening in your child's classroom(s), GMSW teachers will be sending you weekly communications to let you know what students are learning about and what important activities are coming up.  In addition, teachers will be updating their grades in the Home Access Center weekly.  While there may be an occasional exception to this rule (for example, a Language Arts teacher who has 100 research papers to grade), grades will almost always be up to date on a weekly basis.  If you ever have questions about entries in HAC, please contact the teacher.  We are working hard to begin the year with positive messages about character and respect - from our Act Like A Champion opening day assembly to our 7th grade Success Period to the conversations happening in class as teachers and students work together to define classroom expectations for behavior and academic performance.  

In closing, I want to thank you again for helping us get better.  You are a critical part of our team!

Expect Your Best!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Dear MSW Families,

Welcome to West Weekly!  This blog is designed to keep you informed about important events coming up at Middle School West, to share about what is happening in the classrooms at MSW, and to highlight some of the outstanding accomplishments of our students and staff.  I hope you like it.   It's just one of the ways that we are working to keep our school community well informed.

Go Lions!
Brett Harmon


8/20/12 - 6th Grade Open House - 6:30pm

8/28/12 - 7th & 8th Grade Open House - 6:30pm

9/3/12 - LABOR DAY - No School

9/10/12 - Market Day Pickup (5-6:00pm)

9/13/12 - 6th Grade String Orchestra Information Night @GLHS Auditorium - 7pm

Academic Success Tips From a Middle-School Principal |

Jump-Start Your Child's Success in Middle School!

Starting strong is important at the onset of a new school year.  The beginning of the year is the time when teachers set high expectations with their students and help students and parents understand the protocols and structure of class.  It is also a time when the school shares a great deal of information with students and parents.  Be sure to read and review all of the information the school provides.  If you have questions, never hesitate to ask.  It's important to reach out to teachers, secretaries, counselors and administrators to get answers to your questions and build relationships with the professionals at your child's school.  At Middle School West, we are here to help your child grow socially, emotionally, and academically.  We strive to do this in a caring environment, collaborating with parents and students along the way.

As we begin the new year at Gahanna Middle School West, I encourage you to visit our school often.  We are happy to have such a supportive group of families in our school community!  

Read the advice of Dr. Les Potter on what parents of pre-teens can do to help their children succeed in middle school and beyond:

Academic Success Tips From a Middle-School Principal |

Thanks for reading!

Expect Your Best,
Brett Harmon